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The Big Care Sign-Up was formed in September 2013 to help carers’ charities in Leicestershire and Rutland. So far it has lent its support to The Carers Centre: Leicestershire and Rutland and LOROS.


Its last event at Leicester's Guildhall in April 2015 attracted over 300 people through the doors and helped us raise money and awareness for our chosen charity.


The Big Care Sign-Up is a fun, family-friendly day out where fans of entertainment and sports can meet some of their favourite celebrities whilst helping to raise money for a worthy cause.




In the summer of 2015, Dale Anthony Church launched The Big Care Write-Up, a charity writing initiative based in Leicester.  Designed to raise money through eBooks released as "donation fiction", it is also a platform for promoting new writing talent from across the globe.


Its debut short story  anthology, "Carers of the Cosmos", was released in October 2015.  "Life's Great Journey", its second short story anthology was released in May 2016.


Dave Huddleston

Dave Huddleston is the founder of The Big Care Sign-Up.


In mid 2013, Dave suggested what seemed like an impossible idea.  His brainchild was a Celebrity Signing Event and Charity Auction of Entertainment Memorabilia in Leicester.  You might ask yourself why that seemed like an impossible idea. He wanted to host the event in two months!


But it wasn't impossible and in September 2013 Dave staged the first ever The Big Care Sign-Up and the success of that event is the reason why we are returning with an even bigger and better format.


Dave is the man with the contacts so when the next Sign-Up comes around you can be certain that he will be calling and emailing everyone he knows! He also contributes to the Write-Up eBooks.

Pete Worrall

Pete Worrall is one of the original co-organisers of The Big Care Sign-Up.


Over the past year, it could be argued by an outsider that it appears that Pete has lost his mind.  Our roving event organiser has seen more celebrities than a series of The Graham Norton Show.  He has been the length and breadth of the country (and probably beyond knowing Pete) in search of unique, quirky and one of a kind celebrity memorabilia items for our now massive charity auction.


Rumour has it the man never sleeps whilst there is a book signing to attend or a West End film premiere to gatecrash!


Our resident "machine" will hopefully keep continuing to prove that sleep is for the uninspired.


Dale Anthony Church

Dale Anthony Church is one of the original co-organisers of The Big Care Sign-Up and the brains behind The Big Care Write-Up Charity Writing Initiative.


Usually busily working away designing logos or writing up information, Dale likes to weave his magic with his trusty pen or a well worn keyboard.  This year, Dale has been working tirelessly on the social media  to promote the charity writing initiative.


When he's not running about for the event, Dale also writes and directs short films so the creative juices never stop flowing.


In the coming months, Dale will start editing the second of hopefully many charity short story anthology projects.



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